Pedigree in business IT consulting, opportunity development and entrepreneurship

Mastery of knowledge-oriented technologies

Commitment to active knowledge and skills transfer to customer education

Creative design ability that embraces and delivers the opportunities of new technology

Our Services


Connexion-Solution can work with you to produce a documented project blueprint. We delivers more than just a tightly defined, clearly specified statement of the scope, functionality, structure and presentation of a future project

Aplication Design

Connexion-Solution technical teams have all the programming skills that you would expect. Skilled in a variety of languages (including Perl, ASP, Java, JSP, Visual Basic, and C++),

Content Management

Connexion-Solution's Content Management solutions allow organizations to manage the flow of the whole website in a simple manner.

Database Integration

Connexion-Solution can plumb your new premises with technologies that let you manage business relationships and provide services, 24 hours a day and across the world.